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The Home Renovation Savings (HRS) Rebate Program Starts Jan 28th, 2025

Save Big on Energy-Efficient Upgrades with the Home Renovation Savings (HRS) Rebate Program! Starting January 28th, 2025, Ontario homeowners can take advantage of a new energy rebate program designed to help reduce the cost of energy-efficient home upgrades. The program is a joint venture between Enbridge Gas (who ran the previous HER and HER+ programs as part of NRCan’s Greener Homes initiative) and the Independent Electricity System Operator or IESO through its Save on EnergyTM brand.

Two Rebate Streams to Maximize Your Savings

The HRS rebate program has two distinct streams:

  1. Heat Pump and Solar Rebate Program: Ideal for homeowners looking to switch to energy-efficient heating and cooling systems or solar energy.
  2. Energy Efficiency Rebates: Includes rebates for air sealing, insulation upgrades, and heat pump water heaters.

One key difference between the heat pump stream in this new HRS program and past iterations of similar rebate programs is that homeowners are no longer required to have an energy auditor perform an assessment. This will help speed up the process of getting equipment installed, particularly for those in emergency situations with no heat in their home due to a mechanical failure of their existing equipment.


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How Much Can You Save with HRS Rebates?

In the heat pump stream, the dollar amount of the rebate that’s eligible will be determined by three key factors:

  1. The type of equipment installed (air source or ground source)
  2. The size of equipment (based on calculations with NRCan’sheat pump sizing tool)
  3. Whether your home is currently being primarily heated by Enbridge gas or electricity from the Ontario grid

Rebate Amounts for Enbridge Gas-Heated Homes:

If you heat your home primarily with Enbridge Gas natural gas (furnace or boiler)

  • You’re eligible for a rebate of $500/ton towards a cold climate air source heat pump, or ccASHP, up to a maximum of $2,000.
  • If you’re able and choose to use a ground source unit, often known as a geothermal system, the rebate offered is a flat $3,000.

Rebate Amounts for Electrically Heated Homes:

If you heat your home with electricity from the Ontario grid

  • You’re eligible for a rebate of $1,250/ton towards a ccASHP up to a maximum of $7,500.
  • If you choose a GSHP or geothermal unit, you’re eligible for a rebate of $2,000/ton up to a maximum of $12,000.

Eligibility Criteria for the HRS Rebate Program

  • This program applies only to existing homes with at least 6 months of occupancy or more. New construction is excluded.
  • It also only applies to homes in Ontario on either the Ontario electric grid which excludes Cornwall Electric customers who derive power from Hydro Quebec, or who have Enbridge Gas deliver their natural gas, so customers with public utilities like in Kingston and Kitchener are excluded too.
  • Only homes heated with natural gas (furnaces or boilers) or electricity (baseboards or electric furnaces) are eligible. homes heated by propane or oil are also excluded – for now. There are plans for them to be included in a future expansion of the program, possibly in late February 2025.

IMPORTANT—Most Ontario homes are sufficiently heated with a 2—or 3-ton unit, so a more realistic rebate expectation is $1,000 to $1,500 for those heating with gas now or $2,500 to $3,750 for those heating with electricity. A proper inspection by a trained Comfort Advisor using the NRCan heat pump sizing tool is the first step to determining the right size heat pump for your home and what size rebate you are eligible for.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Who can apply to the HRS Rebate?

The program is open to Ontario homeowners who have not received nor expect to receive a rebate through past programs offered by Enbridge or the IESO’s Save on Energy brand. The rebate must be submitted on behalf of the homeowner. Tenants who rent cannot apply for the rebate themselves, but the homeowner can apply for that home that they use as a rental property. The homeowner must be the one responsible for paying for the purchase and installation of the heat pump system and sign a participation agreement.


Can I stack this rebate with the HER or HER+ rebate program I applied to in the past?

No; rebate stacking is not allowed and will be closely monitored.


Are all homes eligible?

No. The home must be a single detached semi-detached, row house, townhome or mobile home on a permanent foundation. Other building types are excluded from the program. The home must also have experience at least 6 months of occupancy; new build homes do not qualify.


Can I use this HRS program to replace my existing heat pump?

No; retrofits are excluded from the program. The program is exclusively to be used by those primarily heating with natural gas (a furnace or boiler) or electrical resistance heating (baseboard heaters or an electric furnace). Homes with existing heat pumps do not qualify.


Can any brand or model of heat pump be installed?

No. The heat pump must be a cold climate rated heat pump (ccASHP) that is listed on Natural Resource Canada’s (NRCan) qualified product list. The heat can be central and use your ductwork, or be a multi-head ductless system for homes without ducts. Note that the system to be installed and rebated must be capable of distributing heat throughout the entire conditioned space in the home, including the basement (if applicable), and capable of operating year round. Please work with your ClimateCare Comfort Advisors for questions about qualifying equipment.

NRCan eligible product list for Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pumps

NRCan eligible product list for Ground Source Heat Pumps


Can I install a new heat pump and keep my gas furnace?

Yes! This is known as a hybrid system where your heat pump will deliver heat through clean electricity very efficiently most of the time, but in periods of extreme cold, the gas furnace will add supplemental heat to keep the home warm. If you are keeping your existing furnace a specially rated “coil-only ccASHP” can be used. If you are replacing your furnace at the same time as the heat pump      both the furnace and the heat pump must be qualified to work together and on NRCan’s eligible products list.


Can any contractor I choose to install my new heat pump?

No! Contracts must be approved in advance by the program administrators by completing a registration and proof of training process. This helps ensure the heat pumps that are rebated through this program are installed professionally and work according to their designed specifications; it helps protect you – the consumer – from less than reputable or competent contractors.


Does how I pay for my heat pump matter?

It does. You can pay your contractor for the heat pump upfront, or via a financing arrangements. Rental, lease and lease to own arrangements are not permitted at this time, and may be incorporated at a later date. If you choose to have an energy audit done, you can apply for the 10-year, 0% interest Greener Homes Loan available through NRCan and CMHC.


What is the process; how do I get started on next steps?

First, meet with a ClimateCare Comfort Advisor to assess your home’s current heating setup and determine the optimal heat pump by using NRCan’s air source heat pump sizing tool.. They’ll need pictures of your existing equipment – including the nameplates      – to submit along with the quote they give you for new equipment and your signed Participation Agreement. Once that’s approved, the installation can begin. You’ll get a cheque in the mail for the rebate amount directly from the program administrators. You need to pay your contractor in full for the equipment and installation job according to their terms and conditions; the rebate does not go to them.


How long does approval take?

In a townhall meeting held by the program administrators on January 22nd, contractors were told approvals should take 2-3 business days.


What else needs to be done?

Once the approval has been received, and the equipment installed, your contractor will need to submit photos of the new system that’s been installed, the controls (thermostat) and copies of the final paid invoices to the program administrators for review, processing and then payment.


How long does it take to get my rebate cheque?

Please allow several weeks to receive the cheque from the time your contractor submits all the necessary documentation.


Upgrade Your Home with the HRS Rebate Program Today!

Don’t wait—schedule a consultation with your local ClimateCare Comfort Advisor to determine your eligibility and maximize your rebates. Act now to start saving on energy-efficient upgrades and make your home eco-friendly in 2025!


